Seth Cottle b9b5a86496 Resolving Issues #31 and #32
To help our users who host LittleLink on default installations of Apache, I'm moving `icons` to `images/icons` to maximize compatibility. Please view Issue #31 for details: https://github.com/sethcottle/littlelink/issues/31

• Moved the `icons` folder to `images/icons`
• Updated buttons on `index.html` with the new icon path.
• Updated `index.html` comments to reflect changes.

To help keep content from being blocked by "Fanboy’s Annoyance" on Ublock Origin and ABP, I'm updating the names of some of the branded buttons. Please view Issue #32 for details: https://github.com/sethcottle/littlelink/issues/32

• Changed Twitter from `button-twitter` to `button-twit`
• Changed LinkedIn from `button-linkedin` to `button-linked`
• Changed Facebook from `button-facebook` to `button-faceb`
• Changed YouTube from `button-youtube` to `button-yt`
• Changed Tumblr from `button-tumblr` to `button-tumb`

General Changes:
• Changed <!-- Your Name --!> to <!-- Title --> to make it slightly more generic.
• Added a supporters section to the README file under the Community Contributions.
2021-12-14 14:17:18 -05:00

2 lines
642 B

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="littlelink" data-icon="linkedin" class="svg-inline linkedin" role="img" viewBox="0 0 448 512">
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