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Docker AIO

    .___             __                                 .__        
  __| _/____   ____ |  | __ ___________          _____  |__| ____  
 / __ |/  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ // __ \_  __ \  ______ \__  \ |  |/  _ \ 
/ /_/ (  <_> )  \___|    <\  ___/|  | \/ /_____/  / __ \|  (  <_> )
\____ |\____/ \___  >__|_ \\___  >__|            (____  /__|\____/ 
     \/           \/     \/    \/                     \/           

Docker all in one install script for linux machines or containers. Just run the commands in the console as root user.

  • Works on Debian,Ubuntu,CentOS,Alpine,OpenSuse
  • You need to install curl on your system.

Paste the script in the machines console

sh -c "$(curl -L http://gitlink.moelle.space/docker-aio)"

Individual systems


First install curl on the machine

apk add curl

Then paste the script in the machines console

sh -c "$(curl -L https://git.moelle.space/hxcde/docker-auto-installer/raw/branch/main/alpine.sh)"
  • I recommend using Alpine 3.15 and not 3.16. Alpine 3.16 creates OCI errors.


First install curl and sudo on the machine

apt-get install curl sudo -y

Then paste the script in the machines console

bash -c "$(curl -L https://git.moelle.space/hxcde/docker-auto-installer/raw/branch/main/debian.sh)"


First install curl on the machine

apt-get install curl -y

Then paste the script in the machines console

bash -c "$(curl -L https://git.moelle.space/hxcde/docker-auto-installer/raw/branch/main/ubuntu.sh)"


Paste the script in the machines console

bash -c "$(curl -L https://git.moelle.space/hxcde/docker-auto-installer/raw/branch/main/centos.sh)"
Docker All In One install scripts for linux machines and containers.
Readme 218 KiB
2023-04-18 20:48:20 +02:00
Shell 100%