# Make dumb air conditioner smart # Send IR command with script sequence: - service: remote.send_command target: device_id: 1ca24041220f1543cd39c537fca39255 data: device: klimaanlage command: Power # Make a switch from the script switch: - platform : template switches: klimas_power: value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.klimas', 'on') }}" turn_on: service: script.klimaanlage turn_off: service: script.klimaanlage # A/C state from outlet binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: klimas: friendly_name: "Klimaanlagen Status" value_template: "{{ states('sensor.tasmota_energy_power')|float > 70 }}" # Setup Generic Thermostat climate: - platform: generic_thermostat name: Klimaanlage heater: switch.klimas_power target_sensor: sensor.klimaanlage_sensor_temperature ac_mode: true min_temp: 16 hot_tolerance: 0 cold_tolerance: 0 max_temp: 30 min_cycle_duration: seconds: 1 initial_hvac_mode: "off" target_temp: 22.5 homekit: - filter: include_entities: - climate.klimaanlage