#!/bin/bash cd /opt/ echo "#!/bin/bash" > zip_folder_daily.sh echo "#Enter the directory to be zipped (e.g., /path/to/folder)" >> zip_folder_daily.sh echo "Enter the directory to be zipped (e.g., /path/to/folder)" read path echo "SOURCE_DIR=""$path""" >> zip_folder_daily.sh echo "# Enter the directory where the zipped files will be stored (e.g., /path/to/archive)" >> zip_folder_daily.sh echo "Enter the directory where the zipped files will be stored (e.g., /path/to/archive)" read archive echo "ARCHIVE_DIR=""$archive""" >> zip_folder_daily.sh echo "DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" >> zip_folder_daily.sh echo "zip -r "${ARCHIVE_DIR}/folder_${DATE}.zip" "${SOURCE_DIR}"" >> zip_folder_daily.sh echo "find "${ARCHIVE_DIR}" -name "folder_*.zip" -mtime +13 -exec rm {} \;" >> zip_folder_daily.sh #crontab -l > mycron #echo "0 13 * * * sh /opt/folderarchive/zip_folder_daily.sh" >> mycron #crontab mycron #rm mycron